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Title: Jurnal Internasional
Other Titles: Discrete Optimization Model for Vehicle Routing Problem with Scheduling Side Cosntraints
Authors: Juliandri, Dedi
Mawengkang, Hermawan
Bu’ulolo, F
Issue Date: Jan-2018
Publisher: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012024
Citation: doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012024
Abstract: Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is an important element of many logistic systems which involve routing and scheduling of vehicles from a depot to a set of customers node. This is a hard combinatorial optimization problem with the objective to find an optimal set of routes used by a fleet of vehicles to serve the demands a set of customers It is required that these vehicles return to the depot after serving customers’ demand. The problem incorporates time windows, fleet and driver scheduling, pick-up and delivery in the planning horizon. The goal is to determine the scheduling of fleet and driver and routing policies of the vehicles. The objective is to minimize the overall costs of all routes over the planning horizon. We model the problem as a linear mixed integer program. We develop a combination of heuristics and exact method for solving the model.
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