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Title: Using Animation Video to Increase the Speaking Ability of Ten Grade Students at SMA Swasta Satria Dharma Perbaungan
Keywords: Speaking ability
animation video
classroom action research
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2021
Abstract: This research was conducted to increase the speaking ability of ten grade students at SMA Swasta Satria Dharma Perbaungan in the 2021/2022 academic year which consisted of 32 syudents. This study aimed to solve yhe problem that was formulated " Does the use animation video increase the students' speaking skill?" so this research focused on increase students speaking ability by using animation video as media. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) method with two cycles, each consist of planning, acting observing, and reflecting. The result of this research showed that there was increasing of students in speaking skill. The data analysis used quantitative data that was obtained from the test in pre-test, test of cycle I and test of cycle II was 78.75. It indicated that the scores and the mean in second cycle were better that the first cycle and pre-test. The percentage who gotthe point > 70 also grew up. In the pre-test , the students who got > 70 up were 4 students ( 12.5%), in the test of cycle I, the students who got > 70 up were 15 students ( 53.12%). In the test of cycle II, the students who got point > 70 up were 29 students( 90.62% ). The students' ability in speaking improved and became well in the first meeting the next meeting.
Appears in Collections:Skripsi Mahasiswa

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